Most people are just like dead people walking with absolutely no energy and drive for success. They want the ‘easy way’ and that’s not wrong but the problem is, the ‘easy way’ doesn’t exist until you’ve taken the ‘hard way’. Then everything is ‘easy’.
HOW MOST PEOPLE ACT and wonders why they don’t become millionaires.
Young or old, there are people who are not willing to learn from others just to prove to themselves that they’re not ‘stupid’. Then there are people who find it extremely hard to compliment or admire others because they don’t want to feel inferior.
For me, when I see someone else’s success, I admire that. And if I get the chance to speak with him or her, I’ll be the first to tell him how great he/she is because his/her success is my inspiration to strive for greater success in life.
Remember the young guy who’s walking slowly? That will determine how he acts and thinks too. You know why people in Singapore are more successful than most other developed countries (based on ratio)? This is the same too in big cities because they are ‘fast people’.
When you move fast, you somehow gain energy and momentum. It’s a fascinating fact that your movement is connected with your mind.
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