Practice Gratitude

Practice Gratitude

Here's a simple exercise you absolutely must do:

Take some time out every day, and throughout the course of the day, to stop and realize just how grateful you are for everything that you do have.
Realize that you are already wealthy in so many ways.
Because you really are!

Start a 'gratitude list' and add to this list consistently.
Believe me, once you start to focus on everything you do have, you will be amazed at just how much you have going for you right now.
You'll be shocked at how big your list turns out to be.

Here's just a little taste of what you can focus on:
Your health, food, shelter, clothing, electricity, running water, technology and all the things it has created, the fact that you're not living out in the streets, your family, relatives, friends and loved ones, your relationships, transportation, the free roads and highways, free libraries, the massive information resource of the internet, your job, your intellect,your desire to do and become more, and of course this book ;-)
(Hey, let's face it, some people will never learn what you are learning here. You gotta be grateful for that!)

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